Monday, September 12, 2011

The one opportunity of your life might come once. |Andres Amador|

The one opportunity of your life might come once. |Andres Amador|

Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.
~Author: Eric Butterworth


Many people believed that having a balanced life means spending the same number of hours on work as you do on personal activities. This is a big mistake, because most of the time it just is not realistic.

Are you working with as the time change or is the time changing your life.

You need to take in consideration that life is constantly changing, to define what will work for you. And what might be the right balance today might not be the right balance tomorrow, next week or next month, because over time your priorities change.

To me, life has been changing periodically, and the ability to change over the times, has given me the strength to achieve, this little piece of success. I am the second oldest in a family of 6, which grew in a neighborhood, pretty much in a racial mixed environment. My father and mother, were a strong hard working people, you know, the type that needed to be on that 8 hour shift, and even thou, those times were, the good old seventies, life for us was a struggle, and the problems of a normal family pretty much existed in our own.

I remember when I was just 11, I had just finished 6 grade, I was able to acquire a job, that was refer by a friend, as a mechanic helper. This was the summer of 1972; it was an eye opening for me to embark on this new task in my life. And even thou, summer had just started, I could not stop thinking about all the things that I would be able to do with my earnings, since growing with a family of 8, pretty much, did not have, all the dreams that any kid would want at that age. Because it was a constant struggle for my mother and father to support 6 kids going to a catholic school.

But the excitement was all around me, waking up at 7:00 am, going to work was something new to me. My task started by taking the owners dog for a walked, and cleaned the mess that he had left during that night. Others duties included, sweeping, running to the auto stores for parts, and maintain a pretty much organized tool box.

That summer I lost all those playing times with my friends, especially in the weekends, since the shop was open 7 days a week. But, I felt a change in me, the responsibilities that came with my work made me realize about my capabilities in me and how I was able to achieve those tasks.

As the summer ended and going back to school was in the horizon. The decision in staying with my job was pretty much accentuated with the idea of enjoying getting up early, and getting my day going, because I loved what I did and I got paid for doing it.

That excitement still exists today, that summer of 1972, laid the foundation for my adolescences and my entire adult life.

The ethic of work is very familiar in the out world as in the internet world. Many people believe that joining a home base business, is pretty much an easy ride for a financial stability. With all the stories of many people making thousands a week, pretty much we could get confuse and excited with an emotional outcome, that if this not work, the discouragement could be more devastated.

Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears;
wealth from hard work grows over time. Proverbs 13

I have several people that join my business and on the first week, were giving up because the thought of this misinformation, of becoming rich in one month was not realistic. I have learned that in order to accomplish something in your life, you need to work on it. And have you notice, that I did not use the word “hard” on this sentence.

The thought of working, scares people, because pretty much we have that human weakness, sometimes to desire for things to come to us as easy as they could possibly be. But, success is there for people who want it, you just need to act on it. And what I mean, to find that enjoyable passion that you might have and order to find that right fit for you.

I was not born being a writer, or a story teller for that matter, but valuable lessons that I have learn, has giving me that strength to come out of that holding barrier that has been keeping me from reaching a more higher level of success.

You too could have the same effect in your life, you just need to want it and achieved it, and it won’t come easy, but the rewards of achieving a status level, could make not only your business grow, but your personal valuable skills. And that, is a powerful tool that you could always have in your arsenal to the road for success.

The only way to make your life better is to understand what you are doing, what’s working, and what is not. Ask yourself: “Is this going to give me a feeling of accomplishment and a feeling of happiness?” Sometimes you need to be realistic about the fact that some things make not work and you have to be okay with that, and then you could ask yourself “What can I learned from this? Figuring out, this boundaries and priorities, and knowing, what’s working and what isn’t, will help you feel confident that your accomplishments are enough.. even if you have more goals to achieve

You just need to have (1) the right attitude, (2) make smart choices, and (3) develop a positive thinking.

Everyone could have a balanced and success life. You just need to want it… and act to achieve it. Are you ready for that big step, or is something holding you back? Take the time to study what you are doing, analyzed it, is it making you happy? Are you satisfied with your goals you have achieved? If you are, then you are in the right path. If not, is never too late for change, because you will learn from this and give you the strength for a change of mind set.



Andres Amador



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