Monday, September 5, 2011

Finding the best working environment .|amadorfreedom|

When you wholeheartedly adopt a "with all your heart" attitude 

And go out with the positive principle, you can do incredible things.

-- Norman Vincent Peale


I can believe we already in September now, time surely runs fast when you were having fun.


Today we celebrate Labor Day, an annual holiday to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. Labor Day has its origins in the labor union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

We have definitely are able to change our circumstance without the help of any union labor. The World Wide Web is full of possibilities for any type of individual no matter what kind of education she or he has.

Those of who had not venture into this type of business, now, are losing ground to this Big and growing industry. Even big successful people like Donald trump, and others, they have said that more money is made and more millionaires are born in any depression.

As we celebrate this holiday, we can forget how our country is losing its financial ground or status. And as the government fights their cause to solve this problem with their own agenda, we the people are the ones who are taking the burden of this financial crisis. Just ask any unemployment friend you might know.

I feel that in these times, we should put our efforts to comprehend our situation, to make a stand, for what we are capable of doing. I always remember the late president Kennedy speech: “ask not what your country could do for you, but ask what you could do for your country.”


That really puts a lighting fire in my spirit, and this is the time to get motivated for a change. A change towards achieving your dreams and goals, with all the passion that you could give.

I could really said that this is a wonderful holiday today than last past, because I know more now that I knew yesterday and as I move forward with confidence, I know that might goals are becoming more reachable. I am not looking hard any more for success, because I reach a level of it, the rest is up to me, it will depend how well I manage it.

Thank you for reading this thought and hoping for more prosperous times.


God Bless You

Andres Amador



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